Energy Snacks
My new recipes for Eco123 Magazine #19 are available now at FNAC Lisboa….
Energy-packed snacks for vegan backpacking !
Just right in time for the hiking and pilgrims season… -
Vegan City Report Lisbon
Have a look to my new article in the new Veganmagazin edition:
Vegan City Report Lisbon … wie wärs mit einem schönen veganen Wochenende in Lissabon? -
Vegan Yogurt Guide
My new article: “LESS IS MORE” Packaging-free vegan summer menu for yogurt lovers…:-)
…which you can find in the ECO123 – Summer edition #18 : How do we want to live? -
Think Pink
Have a look to my new article for ECO123 – print spring 2017 edition:
Head for a healthy, vegan, culinary spring with lots of colour. -
Raw Mango-Basil Cake
The vegan culinary scene in Lisbon is constantly growing and a lot of wonderful projects are given birth around me. In this post I would like to present you some talented raw cake maker:
my friends Raquel and Salomé from Hari Bolo.
Guess they were so kind to give me the recipe of their yummy Raw Mango-Basil Cake !;-)
You will be as amazed as me…Do it yourself and start your own DIY vegan raw cake adventure ! -
Dreams of Cinnamon
Ah la veg Gourmandise !
Dreams of Cinnamon…I invented for Albert Schweitzer Stiftung for Christmas a Trilogy of Vegan Cinnamon Desserts:
A Masala Chai Panna Cotta, a Cinnamon-Cream Cake and a Raw Buddha-Cinnamon Stars.