Meus caros Lisboetas,
Podem ler en seguinte a minha nova entrevista no Marketeer Portugal e conhecer melhor o meu trablaho como consultora, plant-based chef e conceptor aqui, em Lisboa. -
10 Natural Immune Boosters
Especially during winter time we need to strengthen our immune system as we are not so active and rarely outdoors.
I would like to draw attention on 10 of my preferred natural immune boosters to help protect us against infections and colds.
CLEAN yourself from inside.
My New Year always starts with a week of detox to clean old metabolic waste.
An alkaline cleanse involves consuming raw, fresh vegetables, green juices and smoothies, alkaline soups
for a period of between 3 and 10 days or more. -
Vida Celeiro
During my workshop at Celeiro this morning I discovered that the new magazine #revistavidaceleiro is already published. With yummy sugarfree “Let the color in” recipes I developed for a happy & healthy spring in #mezze style…. You can find the revista also in Pdf on their website. Muito bom !
Vegan Yogurt Guide
My new article: “LESS IS MORE” Packaging-free vegan summer menu for yogurt lovers…:-)
…which you can find in the ECO123 – Summer edition #18 : How do we want to live? -
Think Pink
Have a look to my new article for ECO123 – print spring 2017 edition:
Head for a healthy, vegan, culinary spring with lots of colour.